Why Integrate Fire and Safety Systems in Schools


As students transition from online learning and return to physical school buildings in increasing numbers, educators have an opportunity — and a responsibility — to maintain their heightened focus on facility safety. A variety of technologies exist to support this effort. Most schools already have fire and smoke detection, door access control, PA systems, monitors, landlines, and security cameras. The problem is that most of these systems run independently of one another. How can schools automate and integrate these separate systems — and what are the benefits?

Integrating fire safety to improve readiness

Integrating fire and safety equipment within a school may seem like a pipe dream to administrators, but automating basic tasks improves emergency readiness. Automated alert platforms allow all systems to work together in a coordinated, streamlined response.

For example, an automated platform that responds to a manually pulled fire alarm can trigger automatic responses from a school’s other safety systems. Video cameras near the activated alarm can capture video and send it to administrative computers and mobile devices. Administrators can then assess the situation, evaluate risk, and take appropriate action.

System automation and integration may sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Focus on daily processes and frequently used systems first. Priority items include door access control, security cameras, and fire detection. Integrate these routine elements with essential features that require only periodical interaction to improve overall crisis response.

Integrating technology to improve security response time

An incident response plan cannot be effective if the school administrator is missing key information about a current threat. In a crisis, time is wasted while teachers and administrators scramble to gather facts based on input from disparate safety systems. Integrating all a school’s security and safety tools into a single hub allows personnel to manage any emergency with more speed and efficiency.

Manual safety and security processes run the risk of failure. Imagine an integrated platform that automatically texts notifications to all faculty, staff, students, and parents/guardians. This can be useful for daily communications, as well as urgent alerts. From picture day reminders to weather alerts, instant communication has significant benefits beyond safety and security management. The goal is to streamline processes between all systems. Integrating tools in this way maximizes ROI from each security cost center in an institution.

Integrating systems streamlines fire safety in schools

Between alarm inspections, maintenance, and upgrades, managing multiple, individual security and safety systems costs schools time and money that could be better spent elsewhere. Integrating fire and safety systems automates inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) programs, including:

  • Fire extinguisher certification

  • Fire sprinkler and pump testing

  • Fire alarm testing

  • Kitchen fire suppression system testing

Automating preventive maintenance coordinates and improves emergency response time and leaves administrators free to focus on their primary responsibility — education.

True safety requires an integrated approach

School violence is often the most prominent safety concern. But schools face several security issues found in any public building, including unauthorized access, fire, and theft. School administrators have technologies in place to mitigate these risks, but they lack the coordination between these systems makes everything function more efficiently. TRL Systems’ Fire, Life, Safety, and Security division specializes in the design, installation, and maintenance of integrated technologies to improve emergency response. Call on us today!

Gary Chavarria