When Everyone Needs To Know: What To Look For in a Mass Notification System


What to look for in a mass notification system

Mass notification systems are no longer optional. In an emergency, the need for quick, accurate information is more pressing than ever before. Mass shooting incidents are up almost 73% over this time last year. Fires, inclement weather, and contagion make for dangerous times. Reliable, real-time information makes everyone safer — customers, staff, students, teachers, and visitors. What features do you need in a mass notification system? Here’s what you need to know for when everyone needs to know.

Benefits of a mass notification system

A mass notification system is an emergency alert platform designed to give you a head-start in a crisis. Quick response times save lives. And a rapid response depends on accurate information. For schools, businesses, and other organizations, a mass notification system is an essential tool for responsible emergency management. Benefits include:

  • Protecting staff and public safety

  • Rapid resolution and a quick return to normal operations

  • Preventing or minimizing property damage

  • Enhancing your public safety image

Mass notification systems allow for the quick, succinct, and effective relay of accurate information to a designated group of people. Notification sets include security staff, safety monitors, all personnel, teachers, students, parents, and/or any other group of stakeholders. Armed with relevant information at the right time, designees are prepared to act, limiting confusion and chaos in your organization’s crisis response. Knowledge is power — especially in an emergency.

Five key features of your mass notification system

Mass notification systems may come with lots of bells and whistles, but whether it’s for a business, school, or other public environment, these five features are indispensable:

  • Subscription-based functionality
    Let subscribers opt-in or out of multichannel notifications — text, email, or voice alert — according to their personal channel preferences.

  • One-click messaging feature
    Create pre-written messages for potential crisis situations. Should an emergency arise, the right message is just a click away.

  • Mobile access and messaging capability
    Access the system remotely from any digital device, so mass notifications — emergency and otherwise — can be sent from anywhere. 

  • Smart automation functionality
    Pre-schedule alerts for later distribution. Use this function to remind subscribers about special events or schedule changes.

  • Draft and message preview capability
    Review and revise alerts for an error-free message when you need it most.

These features are imperative, but for optimal performance — and critical emergency response functionality — a mass notification system must integrate with existing public and private fire and life safety systems.


Integration with existing safety and security platforms

Integrated safety and security systems minimize damage, prevent injury, and save lives. Does your mass notification system sync with the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System? It should. As Security Magazine says, “While the notification side of an emergency plan can be useful, its effectiveness only goes so far if it is not working in tandem with other physical security measures.” Combining mass notification with existing safety platforms improves response time and enhances overall system capability. The result? A consistent and effective contribution to public safety — better protection for more people.

Don’t wait for a crisis to evaluate your mass notification methods. Contact TRL Systems today! We specialize in the design, sale, and integrated installation of the safety and security systems you need for efficient, effective emergency management.

Peter Javryd