Screening for Safety: Why Hospitals Should Consider Weapons Detection Systems

Once considered sanctuaries of healing, hospitals face a troubling reality: a rise in violent incidents. The need for enhanced security measures within healthcare facilities is becoming increasingly clear, from assaults on staff to threats against patients. Fortunately, innovative technology is emerging to address this challenge, offering a potential solution for establishing a safer environment for everyone who walks through a hospital’s doors.

The growing threat of violence in hospitals

Hospitals are witnessing a disturbing surge in workplace violence. According to the American Hospital Association (AHA), healthcare workers are five times more likely to experience violence compared to other professions. This trend translates to a staggering number of incidents, with data indicating assaults on staff occurring at a rate exceeding 11 per 100 beds.

The repercussions of this violence extend far beyond physical injuries. The emotional toll on healthcare professionals may include stress, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. Additionally, a violent incident within a hospital can create a climate of fear and unease for patients and their families, hindering the healing process.

Traditional security measures often fall short in resolving this complex issue and can result in long wait times and discomfort for patients, especially those with medical implants. Security personnel — while invaluable — cannot be everywhere at all times.

How weapons detection systems enhance hospital security

Weapons detection systems offer a more dignified approach to hospital security. These systems utilize a combination of advanced sensor technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to locate potential threats with consistency while allowing for a more streamlined screening process.

As individuals walk through the screening system, a network of sensors scans for the presence of weapons. The AI engine analyzes the data in real time, differentiating firearms and other dangerous objects from most harmless personal belongings like phones, keys, etc. This intelligent screening reduces the need for pat-downs or bag checks, helping decrease wait times and improve the climate of safety in two key ways:

  • The presence of a weapons detection system acts as a deterrent, discouraging individuals from attempting to enter the hospital with malicious intent.

  • AI-powered image-aided “red box” alarms provide security personnel with information about the location of the threat detected, helping enable a swift and targeted response.


Photo courtesy of Evolv

The importance of a multi-layered security approach

Although weapons detection systems represent a significant advancement in hospital security, they are just one piece of a comprehensive violence prevention strategy. A layered approach combining various security measures can strengthen overall protection and minimize vulnerabilities. Some additional security measures hospitals can implement alongside weapons detection systems include:

  • Security personnel training: Regular training programs can help equip security staff with the skills to identify suspicious behavior and respond to threats.

  • De-escalation tactics: Tensions and emotions tend to run high in hospitals. Implementing protocols and training staff in de-escalation techniques can help prevent violent incidents before they occur.

  • Mental health support programs: Dealing with the root causes of violence often requires addressing mental health concerns. Hospitals can partner with mental health professionals to offer support programs for staff and intervene with individuals experiencing emotional distress.

  • Creating a culture of safety: Promoting a safety culture within the hospital involves open communication, staff well-being initiatives, and clear reporting procedures for security concerns.

Hospitals can combine these measures with weapons detection technology to develop a robust security framework and safeguard their staff, patients, and visitors. This holistic approach sends a strong message of vigilance and commitment to a safer and more secure healthcare environment.

Hospitals must be safer for everyone

Prioritizing safety is paramount for any healthcare facility. Weapons detection systems, coupled with a comprehensive security approach, are powerful tools in achieving this goal. By taking proactive steps to create a safer environment, you can better foster a climate of trust and well-being in your hospital and allow your medical professionals to focus on what they do best: providing exceptional care.

To learn more about implementing advanced technology solutions like weapons detection systems in your hospital, visit

Sy Granillo