Healthcare and Workflow Automation

Healthcare facilities, especially hospitals, are among the most chaotic workplaces in the country. Between all the daily tasks that must be performed, and regular interruptions from patient care, a lot of efficiency is lost. Workflow automation helps bridge the efficiency gap.

What is workflow automation?

Workflows are the repeated, required tasks regularly performed in a workplace. In healthcare, this often takes the form of paperwork and/or deliveries. Automation involves using technology to streamline a process, so workflow automation refers to the use of technology to streamline workflows. It usually involves IT and a collection of integrated technology systems linked together to allow information and work to pass between them, thereby increasing efficiency.

The most commonly automated tasks are administrative, like paperwork. These tend to be the most straightforward when it comes to automation implementation because they rely heavily on data collection, transcription, and mathematics. Some physical tasks can be automated as well. Simple deliveries, guiding lost patients and visitors, and other such tasks can be automated with the use of robots. For workflow automation, the rule of thumb is computers are best at math and memory, and humans are best at creative problem-solving and improvisation. 

Why workflow automation?

Workflow automation is not a simple goal, and there is no quick fix or one-size-fits-all solution. The process is time-consuming and requires some upfront expense. Though some people might dismiss it as not worth the effort, this is a shortsighted perspective.

Automation saves money in the long run. Automated tasks are performed quickly, efficiently, and with little to no error. In the healthcare environment, staff tend to have long hours of exhausting physical, and often emotional work, and paperwork mistakes are bound to occur. Automated systems do not get tired, which significantly reduces errors, and with little risk of costly mistakes, and more work done in less time, hospital employees are free for more complex tasks that require human effort.

Automating tasks relieves some of the stress and burden from staff and allows them to focus on patient care. Personal and creative tasks are best suited to humans. By allowing human staff to focus on these, healthcare services provide the best possible patient experience.

How to automate

The problem of how to implement automation is not always a straightforward one. Every healthcare facility has its own focus, needs, and wants. Research and assessment are critical before attempting to implement automation. What challenges does the facility need resolved? What systems are already in place, and how will new systems integrate with them? What technology is available? Answering the right questions is the first step in determining how best to approach automation. There are many specific cases that require in-depth research, but there are also a few common rules.

Automation with artificial intelligence (AI) is best for information-based tasks. This means paperwork, data collection and analysis, and complex calculations. While you may want someone to check the work in the early days, it’s generally safe to leave numbers and memory to machines. This frees up human brainpower for more creative situations with which AI struggles. If you need to fill out dozens of identical forms, delegate the task to an AI-enabled tool. If you need creative solutions to a complex problem, that’s a task for a human. 

For physical labor, robots are an excellent option. Repetitive, simple tasks are good candidates for automation. Are there any repeated actions that routinely distract staff from patient care duties? Robotic solutions can take over those simple tasks, such as food, linens, and/or lab delivery, which don’t require much thought but take up quite a bit of time for hospital staff members.

Efficiency and accuracy are critical in healthcare. When mundane tasks exhaust staff, distract from patient care, or are simply left undone, it can cause problems. Automation eases these problems by taking on some of the burden.

To learn more about advanced automation solutions for your healthcare facility, contact

Sy Granillo