Security, the Cloud, and Arcules

Companies of all sizes with on-site security concerns are moving their security technology systems to cloud-based providers. Video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) is rapidly joining other “as a service” models in the cloud. Retail companies with dispersed locations and disparate security systems can integrate everything together in a cloud-based architecture. But there are several other benefits to moving your company’s integrated security systems to a managed services model.

Benefits of integrated security systems in the cloud

Your business can expect a variety of benefits from an integrated, cloud-based security system, including:

  • Lower costs. These systems save you money in the long-term, particularly upfront infrastructure costs companies spend on on-site hardware and software. Cloud models offer an annual or monthly subscription service, and you pay for the storage you use, so you don’t have to invest in the equipment for storing video surveillance footage.

  • Worry-free upkeep. Maintaining systems without excess worry is an attractive feature for companies with limited loss prevention and/or IT support staff. Third-party cloud vendors can eliminate much of the risk associated with failure to upgrade software and patch exposed security vulnerabilities. Updates frequently happen in real time, which means the security of your video surveillance and other protection systems is higher than if you use on-site storage platforms that require manual updates. Additionally, the function of your IP cameras can be monitored remotely and repaired quickly to reduce or eliminate downtime.

  • Scalability. The ability to scale with your organization has always been a key feature of cloud-based options. If you need to increase storage in traditional on-site security applications, there are overhead costs and the hassle of incorporating more equipment. Cloud upgrades are seamless. You simply order what you need, as you need it, and your cloud-based vendor takes care of the rest.

  • Sophisticated analytics platforms. Cloud-based systems are increasingly sophisticated. Data analytics use artificial intelligence (AI) to help your video surveillance and other security systems work smarter to keep your business safe. From facial recognition to heat mapping and more, these are the tools you need to up the ante on security risk factors.


Security, the cloud, and your business

Today, your organization has a choice to back up your surveillance and other security data on-site, which is the traditional approach, or in the cloud, which is considered an upgrade. You can also use a combination of on-site and cloud-based security. If you run your IT operations on-site, you are responsible for security, analytics, hardware, software, and any necessary upgrades. Your security infrastructure must be reliable, with 100% uptime, and you must keep stored data secure from natural disasters, cybercriminals, and even on-site malicious actors.

Keeping your data safe requires multiple copies in redundant systems. If you’re not using the cloud, what is your strategy for this? If you store data from a retail location on an off-site corporate server, what happens if a natural disaster threatens your backup system? If you store data in a back office at a business location, what happens if there is a fire or a theft?

Cloud storage is a lift and shift away from your on-site vulnerabilities to a secure remote server location. Cloud providers have massive data farms secured against both physical and cyber threats. Cloud providers have repeatedly proven their data storage is safer than on-site data storage. Data, in transit and at rest, is encrypted and stored on securely locked down remote servers. Can you say the same about your on-site servers?

Introducing Arcules

TRL Systems is proud to partner with Canon’s Arcules, the leading provider of unified cloud-based video security solutions. Arcules allows your company to:

  • Centrally monitor disparate facilities from any digital device.

  • Seamlessly integrate access control, analytics, and video.

  • Replace upfront overhead with an affordable subscription.

  • Deploy new locations quickly at low cost.

  • Improve safety and operations with built-in analytics and security.

Isn’t it time you moved your integrated security systems to the cloud? Contact us at, or call 855-266-6592 for high-tech integrated security systems with cloud functionality.

Gary Chavarria