TOA Electronics

Information & Communication
Applying audio and video technology toward improved practicality and functionality is the key to developing information communication systems capable of matching the pace of accelerating progress. Communicating important information quickly and efficiently is vital in busy public spaces where large numbers of people come and go at a dizzying pace. The innumerable repeated announcements and other types of audio and video guidance used in these spaces, while often taken for granted, are essential in helping people navigate these areas with a minimum of stress and confusion. Further, just as the evolution of powerful networks has freed our communications from conventional concepts of time and distance, dramatic advances in information technology daily expand our message exchange capabilities into increasingly sophisticated new scenarios. Amidst these advances, TOA combines technologies for Seeing, Hearing, and Communicating in unique and original ways to create information communication systems that are ever richer in amenity and convenience.

Security & Safety
Evacuation guidance and security systems demonstrate their true value in emergency situations. Such solid reliability can only be achieved through skillful application of the most advanced technology. Increasing crime rates and a general decline in public safety are an unfortunate side effect of rapidly urbanizing regional communities. With such surrounding social conditions becoming increasingly unstable, the need for self-protection is advancing all too quickly. Advancing urbanization is also contributing to ever taller and more sophisticated buildings, and ensuring safety for the inhabitants of these structures in emergency situations such as fires, earthquakes, and other disasters is a difficult challenge-but one that is nevertheless among the most important foundations of any society. TOA is there to help, applying its audio and video technologies to cope with issues ranging from security to disaster, protecting people's lives and lifestyles, and contributing to improved safety and greater peace-of-mind.