Posts tagged Nurse Call
How Integrated Alert Platforms Improve Long-Term Clinical Care

We are reaching a critical need for an integrated solution that will connect the myriad alarm and security systems found in clinical facilities. In long-term care facilities, these alarms and notifications are critical to the proper care of the residents. The solution? An integrated system that can handle the needs of skilled nursing and facility security and safety. What features should be included in this system and how can it benefit your facility? Let’s take a look.

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Using Integrated Big Data to Prevent Alarm Fatigue

For nearly a decade, alarm fatigue has been at the forefront of healthcare leaders minds, with a regular appearance as a CMS National Patient Safety Goal since 2013. Fortunately, there is a solution. By leveraging big data and integrated technologies, healthcare facilities can finally realize a reduction in alarms, without sacrificing patient care or experience.

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Combat Nursing Shortages with Modern Nurse Call Technology

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) reports that 11 million additional nurses will be needed to fulfill coverage gaps through 2030. Left unaddressed, this could negatively impact patient satisfaction, healthcare outcomes, and lead to increased medical errors. But the latest nurse call technology can help extend the reach of our existing nursing teams. Here’s how the adoption of this technology can help with the looming nurse shortage.

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