Posts tagged COVID
Lessons Learned: Managing Facility Security in a COVID-Conscious World

Facilities managers were faced with a significant challenge during the pandemic — how to increase safety and security in their building to reduce the spread of the virus and protect employees and visitors who remained in the building. Looking back, we learned several significant lessons that we can carry forward to continue to support our COVID-conscious environment. Here’s a look at some of those lessons and how technology became part of the solution.

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TRL Systems Announces a New Partnership with Leader in AI-Enabled Video Analytics

TRL Systems, Inc. is excited to announce its partnership with Verkada, the leader in AI-enabled, cloud-based physical security. Verkada is the first enterprise physical security company to provide real-time visibility into buildings by seamlessly combining video footage with access-based events in a simple, cloud-managed platform.

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COVID-19 Prevention: Contact Tracing with Real-Time Location Services for Hospital Providers

New technologies can help healthcare providers and public health officials win the race against the spread of virulent diseases by using real-time location services (RTLS), computer automation, and big data for successful contact tracing and virus mitigation. This article will shed light on modern RTLS contact tracing platforms with COVID-19 as a use case.

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