Posts tagged Security System
Lessons Learned: Managing Facility Security in a COVID-Conscious World

Facilities managers were faced with a significant challenge during the pandemic — how to increase safety and security in their building to reduce the spread of the virus and protect employees and visitors who remained in the building. Looking back, we learned several significant lessons that we can carry forward to continue to support our COVID-conscious environment. Here’s a look at some of those lessons and how technology became part of the solution.

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Establishing a Preventative Maintenance Plan for Fire Life Safety and Security Systems

Fire, life safety, and security systems are critical for the safety and protection of not only your property, but the individuals who live, work, or patronize those establishments. We rely on these systems every day. To ensure they are operating at peak performance (and avoid a potentially dangerous system outage during a crisis), preventive maintenance plans must be established and followed. Let’s take a closer look at the value of preventive maintenance and what you need to do now to protect your business, your property, your employees, and your customers in 2021 and beyond.

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Facial Recognition and Video Analysis for Business Security

Facial recognition and video analysis are no longer reserved for government agencies and movies; they have officially gone mainstream. Businesses are leveraging this technology to fight fraud, prevent terrorism, and protect individuals working or visiting businesses, healthcare facilities, or other locations. Let’s take a closer look at how these tools are being used and what we can expect in the future.

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Security Project Highlight: SSA Terminal B63 / Port of Oakland

TRL Systems was chosen by SSA Marine to demolish the TWIC system at the SSA Howard Terminal and reinstall/expand the TWIC Access Control System and Closed Circuit Television. TRL Systems Engineering and Sales Teams assembled a CCTV, Network Video Recording and TWIC Access Control system based on thorough site inspections and bid specifications.

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Making TWIC Work: TRL Systems Sets the Standard for Maritime Access Control at Port of Long Beach

In the decade plus since 9/11, the maritime industry has fallen short in closing the gap in port security as mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA). Because of costs, integration issues and limited resources, ports have been slow to adopt the technology necessary to read the biometric data contained in the now ubiquitous Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)....To begin, the TRL Systems engineers worked with 3M to decipher code and capture the data that would be needed to make it work with the 3M cogent reader.

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